A few years and a few more sketches

So it’s been awhile. Here’s to finding out how WordPress has made posting that much more of a convoluted experience with their UI.

In the meantime, here are some random sketches, barfed all over this post! Some older, some more recent.

Two of my favorite characters, based on Mr. Colin Fleming and Mr. Pendleton Ward, running for their lives in one of my not-so-favorite places, the Hilltop Store over at UCLA.
Favorite memories, once again, of the Animation Hellhole over at Allan Hancock College. As well as my time spent at an animation studio that’s no longer there.
Two favorite characters once again on my not-so-favorite campus. Except this time they seem to be doing the chasing.
Some more random memories from the animation department at Allan Hancock. The pic on the left was a reworking of a piece from a few months before. Aw hell, why not just post it. “Show, don’t tell,” right?
Goes without saying, if you can see the full image you can see what I reworked. This was the courtyard just outside the classroom.
This one’s back from around 2018. You’ll see in a second how I approach the girl character’s design a little differently now.
…though not by much apparently. I can see the differences, but who cares what I think, right?
More exploration around the same not-so-favorite place. (Well, a version of said place. Pulled from hazy memories.)
In a more happy setting (animation department at Hancock).
And finally, my time at one of the happiest places on earth.